Currrent Projects


December Is HIV Awareness Month – A Daughter Shares Her Personal Story

December 14, 2021

Meet the women of the book, Make Your Mess Your Message.

December is HIV/AIDS Awareness month — 

This week (December 14, 2021 2PM PST/ 5PM EST) I spoke with Sarah Noble (Chapter 1 – Returning To Joy).

During our conversation, Sarah shared her family’s personal story of the loss of her father to HIV/AIDS  — our hope is that conversations like these will help to  bring about awareness, compassion, support, and healing to other families who have loved ones who are suffering from HIV and AIDS.  Watch here!

Sarah can be found at:


Sarah’s tools/tips for those affected by HIV/AIDS:

  1. “I think that having the healthcare is really, really important. I know of a couple situations where people have had that diagnosis without having any health insurance and that’s, that’s terrible because the, the antiviral medication that keeps you alive is really expensive. And I think that that would be the first and foremost important thing is to figure out what government medical support resources there are and find people in the community that can help with housing. A lot of times what will happen is somebody will get diagnosed with HIV who doesn’t have health insurance. And so they go on a government program that then won’t continue to give them the medical support if they make too much money. But the jobs that they get won’t necessarily provide health insurance. So they get in these horrible situations where they can’t even support themselves to, to pay for housing. Because they’re in this catch 22 of getting their meds to live and maybe having a job that raises their income level too high without the, the supportive health insurance.”
  2. “So sorting that out very early on is super important and there’s lists you can, people can get on, um, they’re long and they, they sometimes take years to get housing. But, I would think that if somebody had an HIV diagnosis, they would do very well for themselves to get themselves on one of those lists.”
  3. “I would start looking around at your friends and your community and grabbing onto the people who you can count on and trust, because I know that depression and health issues and complications come up, even though they’re the antivirals there.”

“So I guess my top three is get that health insurance sorted out – does that health insurance cover your HIV meds? In fact, at our company, that was one of the things that I wanted to make sure that we picked a company cause we provide health insurance for our employees. And so when we were doing that research, I made sure that we would be able to cover anyone that works for us because they don’t all cover it. So I think that’s important. And then making sure that there’s a long vision about housing and mental health and having a community. I think that is just those friends and family that you can count on are critical to surviving with this condition. It’s still very much needing their community and thank God that the times have changed and people can be more open about it.”

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