the blog

Shari's journal

A place where I openly share my personal experiences and thoughts to connect, motivate, inspire and journey through life with you. 

The 50/50 Friendship Flow – CHALLENGE!!!

If you know me personally, this past year you may have witnessed my 50 dates with 50 women who have had an impact on my life.  I chose to meet with 50 women during my 50th year of life, to sit down one on one for the purpose of sharing with each woman what they […]


November is National Adoption Awareness Month

The phrase, “Imposter Syndrome” has become a hot topic for life coaches in recent years.  I have noticed its prevalence among my own clients.  The syndrome, which does not discriminate, reaching beautiful, educated, successful women, who easily appear as forces to be reckoned with to the outside world.  The term, “Imposter Syndrome,” is described in […]