Currrent Projects


3 Tips For Women In Midlife Who Are Considering Going Back to School

January 18, 2022

Meet the women of the book, Friendship book series.

This week (January 18th, 2022 at 2PM PST/ 5PM EST) I speak with Mary Munsil (The 50/50 Friendship Flow – Chapter 31- Align Your Virtual Life With Your Real Life).

Mary made the decision to not only return to school in her late 40s to complete her Bachelor of Arts degree, she enrolled in law school and entered her first year at age 50! 

Watch and listen to Mary’s interview on You Tube and be inspired — to live your best life in midlife!

You can connect with Mary on Linked In at:

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Mary’s 3 tips for a woman who is in midlife and considering changing careers or going back to school:

  1. “I think my first tip is to network with people. First of all, you know, more people than you think you do, and you can find in your friend group or in your acquaintance group, you find the connector the person who knows a lot of people. And I’m lucky enough to know a couple of people who are like that. So you talk to them and say that you need help, or you need connecting with other people and they’ll do it for you because that’s the type of people that they are. They’re usually willing to connect you and then it’s up to you.”
  2. “My second piece of advice would be to just do it. Don’t let the fear hold you back. If you still need to work, to pay for your place to live, like I do, there are programs where you could go at night, you can make it work for yourself. If you are determined, you can make it work for yourself, but life is short. So just, just do it”.
  3. “And then my final piece of advice is to just really know yourself and know how your brain works. Are you a morning person, or are you a night person? And what helps you most to – for me in this process I learned that chill music on YouTube and the forest app, and a timer really helped me to dial in and stay focused, because I know that my next break is less than an hour away. So just figure out what works best for you, for your brain, and then just go for it.”

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