Currrent Projects


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Shari's journal

A place where I openly share my personal experiences and thoughts to connect, motivate, inspire and journey through life with you. 

Friendships in your 50s: One Year. 50 Empowering Dates with My Girlfriends.

I love saying that I’ve reached “my better half.” While I have been married for 23 years, “my better half” is not a reference to my husband but rather to my place in life. I turned 50 last December. And I couldn’t be happier than I am now, finally living in my better half! Prior […]


The Power of Listening

Remember back in grade school, as early as kindergarten, when we were told to “listen to your teachers” or “listen to your parents.” We were taught at an early age that listening was important. If we did not listen, we knew that we would be in trouble. This first direction “to listen” came from a […]


The 50/50 Friendship Flow Challenge Will Change Your Life

What if I told you that every person that is in your life is both your teacher and your student?  What if I told you that everyone who comes into your life, is in your life for a purpose? The 50/50 Friendship Flow encourages each of us to give one another the gift of time.  […]